Word Notes – Joshua 3:1-4

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In the previous chapter in verse 24, the spies that Joshua had sent before the people brought back their report which ended with the statement, “The LORD has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are melting in fear because of us.”  Such confidence and boldness should be a trademark of God’s people.  Notice though, the key phrase that provides this confidence, “The LORD has surely given…”.   The confidence of a Christian is not to be found in themselves, but rather in their God.

In chapter 3, Joshua and the people set out from where they were and went to the Jordan and camped.   Wait a minute.  What about the Jordan?  This great river, which at this time of year had swollen to exceed her banks posed a real barrier to success.  How would they all get across?  Its one thing for a couple of spies to cross a flooded river, but for a large populous to do so is a daunting and perilous task at best. 

The people pressed on to the river without a plan of how to cross it.  They had not yet been told how they would cross the river, yet they proceeded on in faith.  This is how we, who seek to follow the Lord should proceed.  Matthew Henry writes in his commentary on this passage, “We must go on the way of our duty though we foresee difficulties, trusting God to help us through them when we come to them.”

After waiting on the Lord for three days they were given the orders to proceed.  The orders were specific.  The officers said, “”When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it.”  The result was the parting of the waters much like the Red Sea had done a generation earlier.  The order was given to to move before the waters had stopped flowing from upstream. 

Are you confident?  Is your confidence in God?  The ark of the covenant represented the promise and presence of God.  When you recognize the presence and the promise of God you should follow in confidence.  He will deliver you.

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